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Networking Groups for Business Owners

Business owners have always known that they need to tap into networks. But not everyone knows how to make the most of those networks.

Luckily, there are many different networking groups and events in Brisbane. One of them is Fresh National, which offers a burst of refreshment to the usual business networking. Here are some of the best networking groups available at The Brisbane Club for connections.

Brisbane Women’s Club

Founded in 1919, the Brisbane Women’s Club is an organisation of professional women in Brisbane. Its members are interested in art, literature, music, science, education, journalism and current affairs. The club also aims to foster friendship and social change through their activities. It has connections with clubs in Europe and New Zealand and hosts a triennial International Congress. Its other events include an annual Lyceum Lecture, Anniversary Luncheon, Cultural Days, and Christmas Morning Tea.

In her role as Chair of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Trust, Nina is able to provide encouragement and support for grassroots charities that are having a big impact on our city. She is passionate about supporting these charities, which are the backbone of our community.

The Brisbane Women’s Club is part of the VIEW network, which has around 300 clubs across Australia open to women of all ages. VIEW clubs offer women the opportunity to meet regularly, form lasting friendships and help disadvantaged Australian children. The charity work of the Women’s Club is supported by its members and their guests through fundraising activities, including a yearly VIEW dinner.

Business Network International (BNI)

Business Network International is one of the largest business networking organizations in the world. It offers a proven system for generating referrals for your business. Members meet weekly with their local chapters to exchange ideas, contacts and business referrals. The organization’s mission is to help all its members grow their businesses. They do this by providing a structured network of business professionals who support each other’s success.

Membership in BNI costs around $400-$600 a year. This includes membership dues and breakfast fees. The organization also offers educational workshops and has a variety of marketing resources to assist members. BNI has more than 9,400 chapters worldwide and last year member referrals generated $13.6 billion in new business.

Before joining a BNI chapter, it’s important to visit several groups and find the right fit for you. Each group has a different vibe and meeting times. Be sure to attend a meeting as a visitor or stand-in and pay attention to how the group interacts with each other. Make note of any people that aren’t a good match for you and avoid those groups.

If you’re unsure whether or not BNI is for you, consider attending a breakfast meeting with a local group. This way, you can see how the group operates and decide if it’s the right fit for your business.

Women of Influence

Women of Influence is one of North America’s leading organizations offering solutions for workplace gender equality. They provide insights and inspiration, perspectives on key issues, and opportunities to connect with other women leaders. Their events, digital media, signature awards, and consulting reach a wide audience of professionals across Canada and internationally.

This program brings together a small cohort of women leaders from diverse backgrounds and industries. The six-month program includes engaging educational content, comprehensive leadership assessments, and personalized executive coaching. Monthly workshops help participants strengthen self-awareness and build confidence, while a personalized action plan helps them translate insights into real-life professional development.

Membership in WOI is open to female alumni and friends of UNA who contribute $250 or more annually to the Women of Influence Fund at the UNA Foundation. Donations are designated to the philanthropic priority of the First Lady’s choice each year. Currently, WOI supports the UNA Caring for the Pride and female student-athlete initiative. In addition, WOI members are invited to two campus-based meetings each year to learn from students, faculty, and alumni about how the University has made a difference in their lives.


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