HomeTechTwitter Is Finally Testing An Edit Button On Tweets, Something Users Have...

Twitter Is Finally Testing An Edit Button On Tweets, Something Users Have Been Requesting For Years.

After years of clamoring from its users, Twitter has finally begun testing the long-awaited feature of allowing users to edit tweets. The move came Thursday morning when in — where else? — a tweet, Twitter announced that it is testing the feature. “This is happening and you’ll be okay,” the company said. The statement was followed by a Thursday blog post in which Twitter said it was conducting the test internally, but that it was also expanding to a small group of subscribers of its paid Twitter Blue service.

Twitter said in April that it had been trying an alter highlight for a year, and that twittering Blue supporters inside the space of months would be accessible. The declaration came that very day the organization reported that it would add Elon Musk to its board, and after he surveyed his devotees about whether they’d like an alter button on the stage. At the point when it affirmed the alter highlight was in progress, Twitter likewise said, “no, we didn’t get the thought from a survey.”

(Musk later pulled out of the board seat offer, consented to purchase Twitter out and out, moved to end the procurement arrangement and presently is battling a claim from Twitter that looks to propel him to completely finish the arrangement.)

Albeit many individuals have for a really long time been approaching Twitter to add an alter button — which opponents like Facebook and Instagram offer — others have raised worries about the possible ramifications of such an element. Security specialists asked, for instance: What on the off chance that an innocuous tweet turned into a web sensation and, was altered to incorporate provocation or falsehood, expanding the span of a tweet that could somehow not have spread?


Twitter said in its Thursday blog entry that in this test, tweets will actually want to be altered “a couple of times” for as long as 30 minutes after they are first posted. Altered tweets will show up with a symbol, name and timestamp to cause it clear they to have been changed, and clients can navigate to a tweet’s “alter history” to see past variants.

“Like any new element, we’re purposefully trying Edit Tweet with a more modest gathering to assist us with consolidating input while distinguishing and settling expected issues. This incorporates how individuals could abuse the component.”


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