HomeHealth7 Life-Saving Smartphone Apps

7 Life-Saving Smartphone Apps

Smartphone apps are changing how people interact with each other and their environments. Numerous apps can help in a crisis, and if you’re prepared to take advantage of them, they could save your life. So I think the best advice I can give you is to keep your phone handy, download the apps that interest you, and make sure you know how and when to use them. That’s the best way to benefit from these apps; they’re not good if you don’t know when to use them. Of course, as a recap, here are the seven life-saving smartphone apps we covered today:


Baby and Child First Aid

Baby and Child First Aid is a wonderful app for parents. It provides information on how to deal with common childhood injuries. The app also includes information on how to use first aid equipment such as bandages, splints, and CPR masks. It has been developed by the National Health Service (NHS) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). This app provides step-by-step instructions on how to treat a child who has suffered a burn, cut, or broken bone. The ‘Medical Information’ section includes common illnesses and injuries children commonly face, such as colds, ear infections, diarrhea, heat exhaustion, and sunburns.


Becca – Breast Cancer Support

Becca is a breast cancer support app that provides women with the opportunity to meet other survivors, share experiences, and get support. The Becca app offers many features, including a chat room where women can engage with other survivors, a resource library that contains information about breast cancer, and a calendar where you can post events related to breast cancer awareness.

The Becca app is designed to be used by women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer or who are living with it. It allows survivors to meet other survivors, share experiences and get support from others who have gone through similar situations. The app also includes information about breast cancer and an events calendar where events related to breast cancer can be posted and shared across social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.



The GDP-Health app is an application that helps people with diabetes manage their condition. It has many features, including:

  • A blood glucose meter can be used to measure blood sugar levels.
  • A list of foods and drinks to eat or avoid. This includes specific amounts of each food or drink that should be eaten.
  • A list of activities to do and how much exercise is recommended for a given day.
  • A place where the user can record their daily weight and blood pressure measurements.

The app also provides a place where users can enter information about their current medications, including their doses and when they take them. The GDP-Health app also allows users to create a list of emergency contacts in case something happens while they are away from home or work.


Integrated Family Delivered Neonatal Care (IFDC)

Integrated Family Delivered Neonatal Care (IFDC) is a new Ministry of Health and Family Welfare initiative to ensure the early detection and management of neonatal diseases in the community by trained ASHAs. The app provides information on key indicators such as exclusive breastfeeding, early breastfeeding initiation within 1 hour of delivery, and oral rehydration therapy. It also provides information on recognizing signs and symptoms of various neonatal infections.

This app provides training in neonatal resuscitation and care as a complement to traditional face-to-face training. The IFDC app is designed to be used by anyone who comes into contact with newborns, including health workers, traditional midwives, family members, and community members. The app has been tested by multiple groups of users and has been shown to improve both the knowledge and skills of these groups compared to traditional training methods.


ICE Medical Standard

ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. The ICE app is also known as ICE Medical Standard. It was launched by Dr. Arthur Firstenberg, who has been working on this app for a long time. He has worked on a similar app for years, but it never got off the ground until recently, when Apple introduced its HealthKit framework. With this new technology, Dr. Firstenberg could make his app work with other apps already available in the market. The app uses your smartphone’s GPS to track your location and provides emergency response information. It also provides information about your medical conditions, allergies, medications, and blood type in case of an emergency where you can’t talk or write down the information yourself (i.e., car accident).

ICE Medical Standard is a free app that allows you to create an emergency medical profile. It includes all of your medical information, allergies, and medications. The app also has a button that can be pressed in an emergency (or when you’re just sick). When you press this button, the app will automatically send a text message with your information to up to five people. The app has features like “find my phone” and “find my pet.”


Medical ID

The Medical ID app from the American Red Cross is a free download, and it’s easy to set up an account. Once you’ve created your account, you can add your personal information, including allergies, medications, and emergency contacts. The app also includes a section where you can store medical records and documents, such as insurance cards and test results. The app will automatically update your information when you change anything, so you must keep it up-to-date with any changes to your medical history or contact information.


Zello PTT Walkie Talkie

Zello is a free app that works on both Android and iOS devices. It’s a walkie-talkie-style app that allows you to push to talk with other users in your area. You can use it for anything from emergencies to just chatting with friends.

The app has some major benefits over traditional radio:

  • It’s free, unlike traditional radios, which can be expensive. This makes it great for people on a budget or those who want to keep their costs down.
  • You can use it anywhere there’s cellular data or Wi-Fi, meaning you don’t need an extra radio or satellite connection like traditional radios.
  • You’ll find people worldwide using Zello for all sorts of purposes, from chatting about their favorite sports teams to sharing information about emergencies and natural disasters near them (like earthquakes).


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