HomeTech9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your New SmartPhone

9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your New SmartPhone

Having a smartphone is great, but it can also be tricky to figure out how to use it. There are so many different apps and functions that it can be hard to know where to start. If you haven’t yet explored all the fantastic things your smartphone can do, here are some tips for getting started:


Download Your Bank’s App

While you’re getting to know your new smartphone, make sure to download the banking app from your financial institution. This will allow you to check your balance, see recent transactions and pay bills from anywhere. You can also set up alerts for when your account drops below a certain amount or if there is suspicious activity on your account.

For example, Wells Fargo offers its customers an app that allows them to deposit checks remotely via phone. Customers photograph their checks, enter the amount and their bank account number, then tap “deposit now.” Next, they receive an electronic deposit receipt and confirmation that their money has been deposited in their accounts.

Another feature Wells Fargo offers is its mobile payment system called Apple Pay™. It allows users to pay for items through any merchant that accepts contactless payments by tapping their phones on compatible terminals at checkout counters.


Set Up A Calculator Widget

The calculator widget is one of the most basic widgets you can use on your smartphone. It is not only a handy tool for doing your math, but it also comes with various designs that can make your life easier. Plenty of different types of calculator widgets are available on your smartphone. These include the classic style calculator and other types such as the financial and scientific calculator. These can be extremely useful if you need to perform complex calculations or do some serious math problems while on the go. Some calculators will even let you do more complex equations using a scientific calculator with advanced features.

The first thing you will want to do when setting up a calculator is to download an app that allows you to customize it however you like. Once you have downloaded an app like this, open it up so you can begin customizing it immediately! You will find many apps available in this category, so take some time to pick one that meets all of your needs and preferences before proceeding any further with this process.


Train Your New Digital Assistant

Digital assistants like Siri or Cortana have been around for years, but they’ve only recently started gaining traction in the smartphone market. These virtual assistants can help you with any task on your smartphone. For example, if you’re looking for a local grocery store, ask Siri or Cortana where one is located nearby, and it will show you the location on a map and give directions if needed.


Use Your Phone as a Projector

The ability to project your phone onto another screen is not something that was built into every smartphone from day one. However, there are still plenty of ways to do this with just about any modern model today, thanks to apps like Duet Display which allow users to connect their phones up with other devices like laptops or televisions so they can view everything on the bigger screen instead of just holding the device up in their hands while trying to read everything on their display screens.


Download a Podcast App

A smartphone is a great way to do so if you’re the kind of person who likes to listen to podcasts. You can listen to them while driving, cooking, or just sitting around doing nothing. Finding great podcasts relevant to your interests and hobbies is also easy. Podcasts are audio shows that you can listen to on your smartphone. They’re usually free, and they provide great information about various topics. If you enjoy listening to podcasts, downloading an app such as Stitcher or iTunes is a must.


Make Sure You Have a Good Camera Lens Cleaner

If you have an iPhone, chances are that you will want to use the camera feature at some point during your ownership of the device. However, if there’s dust or dirt in front of the lens, then it will affect how well the camera works. Make sure you have a good camera lens cleaner handy to keep your pictures looking clear and sharp!


Explore Your E-Mail Options

You can access your e-mail with most smartphones. This handy feature allows you to check your e-mails from anywhere, not just at your desk or home computer. Some phones even allow you to receive text messages, depending on your phone service provider. If you have a smartphone that offers both text messaging and e-mail capabilities, the process for checking them is usually similar.


Voice assistant

Voice assistants are becoming more of a fixture in our lives, and your new phone is no exception. Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant have been around for a while, but they’re both getting smarter by the day. You can use Siri to help you find information on the web, set reminders, place calls, and send texts. Google Assistant can do all of these things as well, plus it has access to Google Search, so it can give you answers to questions that you may have about the world we live in. It’s also integrated into third-party apps like Uber and WhatsApp — say “Hey Google” or “OK Google” to start a conversation with it.


Multiple operating systems

Today, there are several different operating systems available for smartphones. Android is the most popular one and comes in many different versions. There are also versions of Windows Phone 8, BlackBerry OS 10, and an iOS app store.

The best part about having multiple operating systems is that you can use the same phone on more than one network. If you have a T-Mobile phone but want to switch to AT&T, you can buy a new SIM card and pop it into your old phone. You don’t have to buy a new device or even change your number — switch to the new network provider.



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