HomeFashionBest Acne Dermatologist In United States

Best Acne Dermatologist In United States

Acne is a common skin condition that causes pimples. It can be uncomfortable, unattractive and embarrassing. You may feel self-conscious about your appearance if you have acne, especially if you’re going through puberty.

Acne is most common in teenagers going through puberty because the sebaceous glands in the skin get clogged with dead skin cells and oil, which prevents them from expelling natural oils from the body. This causes a build-up of bacteria, leading to inflammation and pus formation on the skin surface (pimples).

The most common types of acne are:

If you have acne, you may want to see an acne specialist or dermatologist for treatment. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating skin conditions like acne and other types of rashes and infections.


Acne treatment costs In United States


The average cost of an acne treatment in United States is around USD 1000- 2000 per month, depending on the type of treatment needed.

Treatment includes:


Acne medication costs between USD 100 and USD300 per month. This medication can help to reduce acne breakouts, but it may take up to 3 months before you see results.


Laser therapy

Laser therapy costs around USD 1,000-USD1,500 per session, and it is recommended to have 2-3 sessions per month for at least four months to see results.



Microdermabrasion costs about USD 500-800 per session, and it is recommended that you have 1-2 sessions per week for at least four weeks before seeing results.


Acne treatment options


There are many different treatment options for acne that include:

Laser treatment

Laser therapy helps kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. You may need several sessions, so keep this in mind when considering this option. Laser therapy is unsuitable for everyone with acne because it can result in scarring. However, laser therapy may be worth considering if you have severe acne that has not responded to other treatments.


Carbon laser peel

This procedure uses carbon dioxide (CO2) to treat areas of acne by removing the top layer of skin (epidermis). The CO2 laser causes thermal injury to the epidermis, which then induces collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis (dermal healing response). It’s not always effective, though, as it can be expensive and may require multiple treatments over time.



A facial may be recommended if you have more severe acne that doesn’t respond well to other treatments. The facial cleanses your skin, removes dead skin cells and helps keep pores clear of dirt and oil. Facials may also contain ingredients that help dry the skin or reduce inflammation around pimples.


Long Pulse Laser Treatment for Back Acne

Long pulse laser treatment is an effective non-surgical acne treatment that uses intense pulses of light energy to target acne-causing bacteria deep in the skin pores without damaging the surrounding tissue. After one treatment session, you should start seeing results within three weeks with continued improvement over time. This process allows you to treat acne without downtime or recovery time.


Oral & Topical Medication

Acne treatment is a combination of topical and oral medication. This can be used for mild or severe acne.

Back Acne Creams

Back acne is often associated with body acne, caused by the same bacteria. As a result, many of the same topical treatments for body acne can be used to treat back acne. The most common treatment for back acne is a cream containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These creams are applied directly to the affected area and left on for several minutes before being rinsed.


Back Acne Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed to treat back acne. Oral antibiotics are usually taken in pill form once or twice daily for four to six weeks until your symptoms improve. Your doctor will recommend a specific antibiotic based on your unique situation and condition.


Oral Isotretinoin (Roaccutane)

Oral isotretinoin (Roaccutane in the UK) is a powerful drug used to treat severe acne. The main side effect is dry skin, although there may be others, such as tiredness and headaches. Dermatologists usually only prescribe it after other treatments have failed to clear the skin. It’s important not to get pregnant while taking isotretinoin as this could harm your baby if you become pregnant while taking it. You’ll need regular blood tests while taking this medicine, and you won’t be able to have sex without using contraception while taking it because there’s no way of knowing whether you’re at risk of becoming pregnant while on this medicine.


Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is another medication that can be applied directly to the skin to treat acne. It kills bacteria on your skin’s surface, which helps reduce inflammation and prevent scarring in people with mild to moderate acne. It is useful for milder cases of acne where pimples are inflamed but aren’t causing scarring or red marks on the skin.


Does Polyclinic treat acne?


Yes, Polyclinic treats all skin infections and diseases, including acne. They mostly have an entire dermatology department specializing in diagnosing and treating skin problems like acne.

Their dermatologists will likely recommend a combination of treatments depending on the severity of your condition. For mild cases of acne, they may prescribe topical medications such as antibiotics or retinoids to help control the bacteria that causes acne. They may recommend oral antibiotics and topical medications for more severe cases to clear up your symptoms faster.

Polyclinic does not offer any cosmetic procedures for the treatment of acne.


Can I go to GP for acne?


You can go to a GP for acne, but it’s important to remember that they are not dermatologists. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the skin and usually has a medical degree and postgraduate qualifications in this area. This means they can advise better about your acne than your GP.

However, there are certain things that you may want to discuss with your GP. For example, if you have a more severe type of acne, it’s worth getting advice on whether or not you need treatment from your doctor or whether it would be better for you to see a dermatologist.


How common is acne in United States?


Acne is very common in United States, with about 40% of young people aged 13–18 years affected by acne. About 70% of young people aged 19–22 years have acne. It is more common in girls than boys. About 80% of adolescents with acne are female. This is not fully understood but may be due to the effects of hormones on the sebaceous glands that produce oil on the skin and scalp.

In some cases, acne can persist into adulthood and lead to scarring. This can be distressing for people with acne, but they should know that getting rid of acne scars with treatment is possible.


When should I see a dermatologist for acne?


You should seek medical advice if you have acne that doesn’t respond to over-the-counter treatments. If your acne causes:

  • Scars or permanent discolouration
  • Significant inflammation or swelling
  • Discomfort or pain


You should see a doctor about your acne because it may be more serious than regular breakouts. Here are some more signs that you should see a dermatologist for acne:

Your acne is not responding to over-the-counter treatments. These include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid. You can get these products without a prescription at pharmacies, grocery stores, and department stores. Make sure you’re using them as directed on the label. If they don’t work after two months of use twice daily, see your doctor for prescription treatment options.

Your acne has left scars or permanent discolouration on your face, including dark spots, red marks (called postinflammatory hyperpigmentation), and whiteheads that don’t go away after popping them (called comedones).


Acne scars and treatment


Acne scars are a common occurrence, especially for people who have had acne. Acne scars are marks left behind after the acne has healed. These marks can be darkened spots (hyperpigmentation) or raised bumps (keloids).

A dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon generally performs treatment for acne scars. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the scarring:

A dermatologist will often recommend an over-the-counter product containing hydroquinone for minor hyperpigmentation. This treatment is usually successful in treating mild to moderate hyperpigmentation. It helps to lighten skin discolourations by inhibiting the production of melanin (the substance responsible for skin colour).

For more severe hyperpigmentation or keloids, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove excess skin tissue and smooth out any areas where there are depressions in the skin surface. This procedure is called dermabrasion and should only be performed by a licensed professional because it can lead to complications if not done correctly.


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