HomeBusinessThe Idea of Paid Twitter Verification by Elon Musk is Flawed –...

The Idea of Paid Twitter Verification by Elon Musk is Flawed – EU Competition Chief

Brussels – Musk’s idea for paid Twitter verification stamps is flawed, EU Competition Chief told us this Wednesday in an exclusive interview.

“If you’re saddled with counterfeit accounts, you have an issue with your business model.” Margrethe Vestager, executive vice president of the European Commission, appeared at an event in Brussels, Belgium, and shared her thoughts on the subject.

“If you are to be personally vetted and acknowledged as being who you are and everybody can be you … I think that the business model is simply ludicrous”, she said.

Twitter recently launched its Blue subscription service, whereby users cost $7.99 per month can receive privileges provided to the platform’s verified users, which had been previously used to certify politicians, journalists, and other public figures.

Speaking on Wednesday, Nov. 29, Twitter CEO Elon Musk said that Twitter would be relaunched on that date. It follows a media blackout that affected several users after they started impersonating real Twitter profiles.

Vestager, herself stated that she remembered when she got the blue light. I don’t think I’ve so impressed my children as since then. However, she remarked that it remains to be seen how useful the tool will be in the future.

We need to see how far forward this process goes before we can devise any definitive strategies, Vestager said of the European Business Summit.

A spokesperson for Twitter could not be immediately contacted for comment when contacted by the Radical Seven team.

“We are Never on a Collision Course”

European authorities have advised Musk to abide by European regulations. The European Commission has reinforced its regulations in recent years to limit the spread of misinformation and protect internet users’ privacy.

One of its biggest achievements was the passage of the Digital Media Services Act, also known as the DSA. This was enacted on May 10 and instructs tech organizations like Facebook on strategies to protect users online.

Vestager said the revamped compliance program makes her more comfortable in monitoring search engine developments across Big Tech, with an emphasis on Musk’s alterations at Twitter. She said she stands clear of a collision course with the company’s chief executive.

We trust ourselves above anyone else; nobody can challenge us.

I think it’s important for people to trust the services offered by the corruption being perpetrated. My personal opinion was swayed by what Vestager stated, citing certain attributes of the Twitter platform that demonstrated users should finish reading an article before they share it and watching summaries of official government information on COVID-19.

Twitter now appears to be a much more reliable platform than in the past, and I believe it’s ironic that the folks who made it, the only ones who’ve been there to ruin it, have a lot of say.


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